Hi, I'm Richard

I'm a UX Designer in Las Vegas. I'm a graduate of Fine Art and have a background dealing heavily with tech.

Technology & I

I grew up surrounded by computers-- I remember my days in kindergarten with a Windows 95 and dial up! Naturally, I became somewhat of a computer enthusiast and my hobbies include building computers and keyboards. I also have a dabble of experience in coding and computer networking. Just to clarify, my URL is indeed Richard Lin UX and not Richard Linux.

So what does that mean?

Combining both my art and computer knowledge, I turned to UX design, hoping I could make better use of my ability to brainstorm multiple, outside the box ways to approach a product. I am excited at the possibilities of emerging tech, and love to see my imagined solutions become concrete products that assist people with their lives.

Things I like

I love most animals-- dogs, cats, hamsters, ducks, and hope to have a small garden in the future with some furry companians. My dream is to travel the world and experience what life has to offer. My other hobbies, as mentioned before, are building keyboards and PCs. And like most people my age, I do enjoy my share of videogames as well. In League of Legends, you can find me running it down in ARAM tanking my KDA for the team.